Wednesday, October 15, 2014

it was the year before last year i started hearing things, around november.  it was faint, then in spring of 2013 it attacked me one night. i had all kinds of messages about people with cars and coffins and other various things, all derived  from my imagination and my subconscious. i wound up getting an evaluation at a hospital. there were some very odd things at that facility. no one had any bed sheets, towels, or extra clothing. and they all wore rubber boots. in fact i can recall why they were wearing rubber boots. some years ago they buildt a complex with showers, but they forgot to insulate the bathroom floors. so it rendered the showers useless. they only used two showers there. that was strange. there's alot more i could relay on this but i'll leave it at that for now.
had a headache again last night. i went this morning to the hospital since it was open. they gave me a bnnch of drugs and sent me home, l o l. last night i began remembering alot of what happened last year. its a really long story. i don't have the energy to relay it all right now. i will say that my imagination got a hold of me. maybe i'll explain more when i'm feeling better. right now the benedril is still in effect and i feel like i need a nap.  

Saturday, October 11, 2014

i had pumpkin pie for breakfast, l o l. it was pretty good, a bit too much though.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

finally i am able to get my internet to work. it's not been working the past couple of days. my body attacked me four days ago. it does that every four weeks. i'm having a glass of orange juice. i should have added water to it. it's highly concentrated. there's not much else going on. i have a slight head ache again. i took some asprin earlier. i've been sleeping a bunch and playing around on my computer.  

Friday, October 3, 2014

got some extension cords, two, and some breakfast. i had french toast with scrambled eggs and three glasses of orange juice. l o l, i was thirsty. i got some t-shirts to paint on, some press on nails and nail polish, paper towels, lemon scented furniture polish, and a plastic box to keep things in. i couldn't find the top to it so they gave it to me for half price. there was something else i was going to room-i-nate on but i can't remember what it was. maybe i'll remember it later.  

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

i went shopping today. i noticed both the walmart and the lowes store affecting my thinking. i think it was a combination of some chemicals in the air conditioning or store and the florescent lighting. it made me much more drowsy and when i walked into the hardware store i had forgotten what i was looking for. the same chemical was in the hardware store that was in the walmart store. i then left that store buying nothing and went to a smaller local hardware store where i found what i needed and they didn't have the chemical smell there.