Friday, June 30, 2017

google ad sense

maybe my new map will work idk. i tried adding google ad sense but it wouldnt accept my phone number idk why. also i cant find the html settings for my page. idk where they are, so i cant update my globe. later ~

new map

visitor globe

ok so my visitor counter isnt working they had changed it to a map but its changed back again im not sure why and it doesnt seem to be working that well. maybe at some point ill change it. im not going to bother with it right now. <script type="text/javascript" src="//;m=0&amp;c=ff0000&amp;cr1=ffffff&amp;sx=0" async="async"></script>

Sunday, June 18, 2017

govt mind control

The Lilly wave can be neutralized via pink or white noise generators connecting to the non-voltage A/C ground and neutral of the homes power grid. the lilly wave can be neutralized via pink or white noise generators connecting to the non-voltage A/C ground and neutral of the homes power grid. 

Saturday, June 17, 2017


  •  ok so i am planning on some mailouts informing people about the lillywave
  •  it will be illegal for the govt to conduct phycotropic warfare on its own citizens
  •  everyone will know about it
  •  the govy doesnt want to expand solar power because it would lose its power over the population
  •  two years ago we nearly missed a solar flare which woulve wiped out power to the whole country for a year
  • Saturday, June 10, 2017

    nada 2

    someone said the electric charge could've been coming from my new shoes. idk? im waiting for normal business hours it may be on mountain time so ill have to wait till ten maybe. i have my new shoes on again well test the door again later and see.


    electricity was flowing through my door way yestarday. idk if it was the air condiioner or what it was.
    but there was an electric current flowing through the trailer.

    Friday, June 9, 2017

    not much going on . . .

    well, here it is friday the ninth of 2017 . . . im nice and warm in my sweat pants and my long sleeve shirt. i guess i could turn the heaters on. brb.  well something i know about is not on the web.  i have another idea. maybe. idk maybe hair school is a good idea. not for me, though i wouldnt mind that one.  thats all i have to say this morning. later ~

    Thursday, June 8, 2017

    crappie digital cameras

    whats up with all these crappie digital cameras.

    The Lovliegh

    my complexion looks terrible today. i dreamed i shared an apartment called The Lovliegh apartment. it was lovely. i only had a shower. in the original model we had a bath. we then went to a navy show and brought candies. my dress wasnt fitting right i had to find some safety pins. my old friends mother was there and my daughters grandmother and a few other people i knew.

    Saturday, June 3, 2017

    a new house

    heres a house i found in atlanta. i would paint the windows and trim with charcoal and the door crimson. de-weed the yard and through some grass seed down. maybe trim the trees way down.
    paint the interior flat white and the kitchen in high gloss white after i bug bomb the inside. then pull out the carpets and put some new padded carpet down.


    feeling alittle tired. i had a sandwich for lunch. i think im just suffering from boredom.


    i have the heebeegeebees.

    Friday, June 2, 2017

    nada ...

    dont know what to write here really. i guess ill just write whatever although im drawing blanks. what has been going on lately? not alot just waiting mostly. i could tell you what i dreamed about tbut then i dont remember my dreams from this morning. i m sure i had them. it must not have been anything monumental. i guess ill add a picture.