Monday, October 12, 2015

she moved through the jungle. it didn't make a sound. what all was encircling her around her? blue, red, lavender, green, white, and black. like the colors in a closet. she picked up a wig on the ground and put it on. and she found a box with tools in it. she began to build. she built all day and into the evening. she built, a fortress in this forest, and the moon glowed. it glowed like it had never glowed before. it was almost like it would never turn off. she reached up into a branch and turned the light off. the moon went out and a cloud floated over it. then she slept, under the canopy of stars and jungle branches. in the morning when it was light she made her way to the water near by. she drank. the water was like crystal. and she could hear the sound of the water echo across the bay. as it echoed the sounds of the jungle reverberated and got louder as it passed along. everything was alive with sound. the wind through the trees, the echo of the birds, the cackling of the jungle creatures from above the jungle canopy. she decided she would stay for a while in this jungle. so she closed the door, and sat down and enjoyed listening to the sounds of the jungle and the vision of the morning with the canopy of variated life.

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