Monday, November 16, 2015

what to call it ...

so my mom was really crappie. mostly crappie. lol. i couldnt relay everything to you, but i can say a few things. one she was the one who made me go to that aweful place religiously. it was aweful, the people were aweful. for years i had to endure that. i didnt have to go. years later..i have a new boyfriend she sais sure you can go and spend the night there, wound up pregnant and the babys father was my cousin. lol. im getting that annuled.  at that meantime i meet someone new and give them my number, they call but i never get their message. someone never gave me their message. on top of that leaves me without a car no education and no one to talk to about abortion options, and im left to deal with a sex offender to pay for her funeral. lol, what more could i relay. so lately ive adopted a new family. im doing well, getting an education and a new boyfriend. was it really that difficult.

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