Thursday, November 10, 2016


i really have nothing to write about. i'm happy about the outcome of our new president. it was a very close race. illnesses are on the rise. i've got something weird. it seems like its going away though. i'm still not sure whats wrong with my internet. i'm not sure what it is. it could be an armadillo walking across the eithernet cords under the trailer, idk. seems like its something like that.  my phones out. i'm not sure why. i would need a technition to fix it though i'm sure. i bought a new phone. its black. now i have a black phone and a white phone. i like the black one. it seems like a govt phone, lol.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

testing my acid levels

i found out today i may have a low acid diet. i ordered some apple cider vinegar tablets. they were five dollars. we'll see if they work.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

thunder and solar flares

solar flares and non-audible or infrasonic thunder with frequencies lower than 20 Hz,
my question is, what does thunder do? there doesn't seem to be anything written about it directly. it must have a purpose. we've been hearing sounds in the atmosphere coming from earth's magnetic field interacting with the sun. i think thats the earth's way of trying to compensate for an imbalance. so what do these sounds do? they have a purpose and our answer to solar flares may have something to do with it. the answer is there. its in the thunder.

who is jason?

some years ago i met someone in a summer class who called themselves jason, though that wasnt their real name. they asked me out on a friend date. but set up some false witnesses and said that he had to ruin my reputation to get ahead somehow. i cant imagine where they got that idea from. but,
i dont listen to their music, or appreciate seeing them on tv.  they introduced me to their dad. the same father of my ex. they also tried to warn me about my ex. but i didnt know what they were talking about, it wasnt clear. i met them again in an english class in college. they weren't a very nice person.

Monday, August 22, 2016

city of lights

there was darkness all around. nothing there to see. no lights, no cars, no people, no was just like the beginning of something with a blank expanse. i turn around. what can i do? can i start something by making a sound of some sort? what would it do? i close my eyes and open them and
suddenly i see electrified butterflies. where did they come from? they have no where to land, nowhere to rest. there must be water nearby. anytime you see a butterfly that means theres a water source nearby. butterflies like water. i walk forward toward them. i'm surrounded by butterflies. i close my eyes and i open them and the butterflies are still there. i take a step forward and a mirage appears in the distance. should i walk toward the light? theres nothing else to do, so i might as well. i head toward the mirage. it looks like a city, a city of lights. did the butterflies come from there?  why would butterflies come from a city? don't they like meadows and forests? i walk for what seemed like an hour toward the city of lights. slowly the mirage disappeared and the city grew. the butterflies went with me. electrified butterflies would come from an electrified city. as i step on the streets of the city the street glows with a phosphorescent glow to it. it must be made of a glow stone. is that why this city lights up. the whole city is made of glow stones. its very beautiful. i had been walking for a while so i was thirsty. i decide to find a store hopefully with something good in it. the butterflies usher me into a nightclub. no one here pays with money. its all on an electronic exchange. i make an account with the bar tender. ''i'll have a soda,'' i say. the bar tender makes me a soda. the butterflies have left me now. i sit down and drink my soda and look around the nightclub at the people there.
everyone looks fairly normal, like me but dressed differently. welcome to the city of lights sais someone. i turn around and say thank you to the lady talking to me. ''Are you new here?'' i ask. ''No,'' sais the lady, ''i've been here before, though it's been a while.'' i carry on in conversation with the lady.
 she tells me all about the city of lights and its history. it was all very interesting. i ask her where the butterflies came from. she sais they've always been here, and its what inspired the city of lights. about 500 miles south is another city. its a city of darkness. and to the north they illuminate everything with kinetic energy receptors. i ask her whats out east. she sais no one knows, that no ones ever traveled out that way. when i ask her whats out west she sais the sun. ''i'll have to travel out that way one day,'' i say. i decide to stay for a couple of weeks in the city of lights and explore everything here. then i'll head north to the kinetic city. that ought to be interesting as well. i've decided to close for the night, it's late and the morning will be an early rise...  

Sunday, June 5, 2016

robot car

i dreamed i was at the mall i made a new friend there and they forgot about me and left me there at a beauty padgent at the mall. i tried to call my mom but didn't have her number. so i then tried to find my car. i found it but then it turned into a robot car. thats when i woke up.

Thursday, May 26, 2016


I'm really tired today. I think I want to go to the doctor and rule out a virus.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

car crash . . .

             I ran into a car yesterday while taking a left. I don't know how much the bill will be.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016



Monday, May 23, 2016

I have nothing to type about today. i fixed my tiara yesterday. it looks pretty good. nail polish works for a lot of things. I got another letter from my new pen friend. they didn't say much. I think they were having problems with their bank account. I might can help them out with that. they need a copy of their birth certificate. I'm supposed to help them find a couple of addresses as well. I haven't done that yet. really I have no idea how to get a copy of someone's birth certificate. I guess you have to go to the state where they were born. I'm not sure if I can do that. i'll see what I can do though. breakfast is at 4 today. I think I'm getting a little hungry. it's noon.  

Friday, May 20, 2016

did my nails . . .

I did my nails today in indigo. they are drying now. i'm listening to bossa nova. I don't have any plans for the day. I had two packettes of oatmeal for breakfast and I woke up late, like at ten thirty. that's about it.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

tired . . .

i'm pretty tired today. i think i slept with the lights on so that doesn't help. there's not much going on. I ate a banana for breakfast with some oatmeal and I have a lemon lime soda for electrolytes. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016


so I don't feel like getting out today. I need to go to the pharmacy. I may go later or tomorrow. I also don't have anything to type about. i'm playing music from my playlist. its the same playlist I usually have to listen to. its ok I guess. I've been watching youtube videos this morning. I spent some time in a social website chatting with some people. it would be great if I could do that all day. but there really isn't much on during the day. most people are on after five. finding things to do during the day can be difficult. there's not much on the tv either. last night I watched an infomercial where they were cooking all kinds of food. that was interesting since I cant eat it. lol.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

the lunchroom

I dreamed I was in a lunchroom. they were serving chicken. they got to me and gave me something with no chicken on it. I spoke up and said I really wanted some chicken. so they gave in and brought me to the back of the kitchen. they gave me a very large chicken. they had a lot of desserts back there however none of them were edible. I took my new chicken and went to the side counter to put some gravy on it. then I dropped my tray on the floor. they offered to give me some more chicken again but at that point I woke up.

Monday, April 18, 2016

timeshare guy . . .

years ago I made a deal with the timeshare guy. I don't remember his name. he was from dallas and I think he said he was originally from florida. that's all I could tell you about them except for the fact that they weren't very nice. they also weren't doing well so I thought I would help them out maybe.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

nibaru and soundwaves

I have a theory about the passing planets that it not only affects the planet that it also affects human consciousness. I would suggest making a recording of babeling waterfalls or get you a water fountain or u could run the shower. brown noise is good. it could affect us through soundwaves, causing people to become crazy and do crazy things, which would be terrible. were getting off of fluoride now. we need to be prepared soundwise.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

lipgloss story

I remember the first time I bought lipgloss. I must have been about nine or ten. I rounded up all my change and went to the store with my friend and her mom. it was at the BX or whatever it was called when they had the air base still in town. it was just clear lipgloss and it was flavored. I don't have a picture of it but I still remember what it looked like. it was clear with red decorations on the outside and had a rolling ball on the end of it. I remember my mother said that we couldn't afford things like that at the time so I found my own way to pay for it. it was one of the first things I ever bought myself.

a sleepy baby goat person . . .

I dreamed I adopted a baby goat, only it was a person as well. it was sleepy and needed food. so I took it to the checkout counter and paid 25 dollars for shots and they recommended a local inspection station for his living arraignment. they said the local station was in actually in new York. it was at that point where I woke up.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

I dreamed I was on a space ship and there were rockets that fired and all the children didn't know that they were on a secret mission to escape something I forget what. but it was interesting. before that I dreamed I was at a water park and the dolphins there were trying to get me. they sent out seeker cameras to try and find me and squares opened up beneath me and I fell and I fell into a deep sleep. when I woke up I was on another planet. it was jurrassic planet and there was a girl there who was a guide. she told me to get close to a wall next to a dinosaur and I did and I ducked and the dinosaur got the other dinosaur. then I woke up. the sleep I went into and came out of was very real.

Friday, February 26, 2016

The Mall

   this is a picture of a mall in Providence, Rhode Island that you can live in lol. i also found an article of an artist who also lived in the mall. i would like to do this one day. wish me luck.