Monday, August 22, 2016

city of lights

there was darkness all around. nothing there to see. no lights, no cars, no people, no was just like the beginning of something with a blank expanse. i turn around. what can i do? can i start something by making a sound of some sort? what would it do? i close my eyes and open them and
suddenly i see electrified butterflies. where did they come from? they have no where to land, nowhere to rest. there must be water nearby. anytime you see a butterfly that means theres a water source nearby. butterflies like water. i walk forward toward them. i'm surrounded by butterflies. i close my eyes and i open them and the butterflies are still there. i take a step forward and a mirage appears in the distance. should i walk toward the light? theres nothing else to do, so i might as well. i head toward the mirage. it looks like a city, a city of lights. did the butterflies come from there?  why would butterflies come from a city? don't they like meadows and forests? i walk for what seemed like an hour toward the city of lights. slowly the mirage disappeared and the city grew. the butterflies went with me. electrified butterflies would come from an electrified city. as i step on the streets of the city the street glows with a phosphorescent glow to it. it must be made of a glow stone. is that why this city lights up. the whole city is made of glow stones. its very beautiful. i had been walking for a while so i was thirsty. i decide to find a store hopefully with something good in it. the butterflies usher me into a nightclub. no one here pays with money. its all on an electronic exchange. i make an account with the bar tender. ''i'll have a soda,'' i say. the bar tender makes me a soda. the butterflies have left me now. i sit down and drink my soda and look around the nightclub at the people there.
everyone looks fairly normal, like me but dressed differently. welcome to the city of lights sais someone. i turn around and say thank you to the lady talking to me. ''Are you new here?'' i ask. ''No,'' sais the lady, ''i've been here before, though it's been a while.'' i carry on in conversation with the lady.
 she tells me all about the city of lights and its history. it was all very interesting. i ask her where the butterflies came from. she sais they've always been here, and its what inspired the city of lights. about 500 miles south is another city. its a city of darkness. and to the north they illuminate everything with kinetic energy receptors. i ask her whats out east. she sais no one knows, that no ones ever traveled out that way. when i ask her whats out west she sais the sun. ''i'll have to travel out that way one day,'' i say. i decide to stay for a couple of weeks in the city of lights and explore everything here. then i'll head north to the kinetic city. that ought to be interesting as well. i've decided to close for the night, it's late and the morning will be an early rise...  

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