Saturday, September 20, 2014

the isle of saint recia . . .

i'm on vacation at the isle of saint recia. not many have heard about it. it's not the usual isle surrounded by water or white sandy beaches. but its a very nice island. i could tell you alittle bit about the patroned saint the island was named after. they've been known to take people in who either have no home or no motherly direction, it's an island for those who have been tossed aside. on the island there is an island home and in it it's properly dressed with all the adornments of basic needs and things pertaining to the well being of the soul.
i've been staying here for a while. it's been nice. no one bothers me and there is always advicement available. and there is always something good cooking on the stove. the isle of saint recia's isn't really an island at all, though it is. and the care takers are blessed people who have been there for countless numbers of people, one of which is me and those that i'm attached to.  they are studious and wonderfully normal and keep everyone safe on their island. i'm glad to be staying at this island. this island is sound and sturdy and i've been
so appreciative of the caretakers. they've taken good care of the vacationers. l o l.

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