Friday, November 7, 2014

a city of cats

. . . and we were riding on a train, traveling through the land of cats. yes, cats, there were cats all around, tabby cats, grey cats, calico cats, and long haired cats. if ever there were a dog in the city the cats might meow. i wrapped my jacket around me with the faux fox fur collar, it was chilly. it was dark out but the lights were on and they were bright. i couldn't see out the window because the lights were so bright. there was a reflection in the window of myself and the of the interior of the train car i was sitting in. i stared at the reflection and listened. i swear i could hear the sound of a cat screeching along with the hum of the train next to the window. it went on continually. i decided to get out some potted meat and snow peas i had in my carry-all. i had gone to the super market at my last stop earlier in the day. of all things i got the inclining for potted meat and snow peas and a glass of milk. milk is always refreshing. i drink it often. i began to find the reflection of the car's interior and the sound of the ever screeching cat appeasing with my potted meat, snow peas, and bottle of milk. then i began to think, ''what was this city of cats all about?'' i had read about it in my travel guide. it said that the cats came from an old tradition of ushering in the cats in order to clear out the city of rats every year. i guess they had alot of rats. l o l. i can't imagine there are many of those around now though. i'll take a cat over a rat any day. who knows maybe i could take some pictures of a diversity of differing cats and place them in my photo portfolio. it could be interesting. cats have all different personalities, or at least they can appear to have different personalities depending on what pictures you take. i think i might spend a few short days here in the town of cats so i can get my pictures of them. i'll leave with a cornacopia of pictures of cats and all their personalities and etc. about 30 minutes pass, and the train stops.
i put my snow peas and potted meat away. i finished all the milk. maybe i should have saved some for the cats. or, maybe they like potted meat. i have another one in my carry-all. i gather my things and step off the train into the dark night. there's one lone lamp light on at the depo and lots of cats around. i make my way to the hotel, check in, and rest on the bed. i walk over to the window and look out. luckily the lights are off in the hotel room so i can see out very clearly. i clearly see cats out the window. i decide to wait until morning to take some pictures. i think i'll have some breakfast at an outdoor resturant if i can find one tommorrow morning. but i think i'll sleep in late too, maybe 10. the next morning comes. i make my way down to one of the outdoor resturants with a camera in tow. it's about 10am. the morning sun is bright and glowy this morning. i order some coffee and take some pictures of the cats near by the restturant and strolling about the tables being fed by the patrons. ten, eleven, twelve, that's 22 pictures of cats. i'll stroll down by some of the shops in a bit. i take some more pictures of cats down by the store windows and other various venues and oportunites. i get several until i'm satisfied with what i've taken. then i head into one of the shops to pick up a souvenir. and head down the road a ways to a park to feed the cats.

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