Thursday, December 17, 2015


lol, this is for someone i know. 

feeling tired

feeling kind of tired today. i think its mostly allergies and my digestive disorder, though i have been feeling better the past couple of weeks. yesterday i had cookies, lol. now i'm all out of cookies. i took some vit c and had a banana for lunch. this morning i had two grilled cheese sandwiches and a caffeine free root beer for breakfast. i am awefully tired though. i hope im not coming down with viral menigitis again.

Monday, December 14, 2015

fluoride and the prison population

so has anyone ever looked up the effects of fluoride on the prison population? of course that would have had an affect on people before their incarceration because one of the symptoms of fluoride poisoning is it makes you have  a tendency to do whatever it is you've been thinking of. that affects alot of people. i think back through my life and every decision that i've made was influenced by fluoride. it does more than just make us complacent.

Hemy Neuman

so im publishing some letters although i was told not to. they didnt know what they were talking about. i do. 18 nov 2014  dear renee, thank you of your letter that was forwarded by my lawyers. i apologize for their non-reply to the emails - they got so many ''radom'' requests it was difficult for them being a small firm and stay focused on my defense. first my address:  Hemy Neuman 1000776905 ASMP 23A2 3001 Gordon Hwy Grovetown, GA 30813  Then - I'm at a huge disadvantage. you have many images of me (some maybe not so great) and ''know'' more about me than i do about you. i don't recall where we could have met, or ABC Insurance. So i'm curious but it doesn't really matter. if you want to write me back it would be nice to get some photos to jar my memory and also tell me about yourself. i wasn't aware i knew anyone in louisiana. I've gone through but never really been there, though the big easy seems like a great place to visit. what do you do? what are your interests. So for now i wish you a very happy thanksgiving. Thank you again.  Hemy
     if i had my scanner i could just scan these letters. that would be easier and i wouldn't have to type them out. none the less here is the second letter:  1 dec 2-14  dear renee, today i got both your letters...thank you so much for writing back though i'm not john, well at least not in this life, and i'm not from romania (though my ex-wife's parents are from there). i liked your letters - they were just you, no pretentions, no expectations - you just wrote as if we were sitting right across from each other. i like that please don't stop. So a couple of stories:  when i got convicted, with all the publicity, i did get all sorts of random letters, including one who claimed to have met me before, but i don't recall that ever happening and it seemed to me they wanted to have ''relationships'' but with everything that is going on what i needed was a friend. eventually they all stopped. last month )about a week before i got your letter) i was thinking that i would really like someone to write to. i thought of asking my mom, or my cousin of ideas of someone i could be in touch with and then boom, praise G-d, i got your letter. last week a friend of mine here was going through some things with his wife and daughter and we discused it and decided the best recourse was for him to write them. but he said he didn't have stamps for the letters. so i told him i'd give him the stamps. he said he didn't know if he would be able to pay me back any time soon. i told him not to worry about it that it is a blessing to give them to him and that he will find a way. And then your letters arrive with stamps in them, by the Grace of G-d. now please don't send stamps. first of all it's considered contraband so in all likelihood they'll never make it to me - this time i know he was looking out for me. second, i am very blessed by my family so i have with what to send you letters and third, i don't want you to go though that extra expense, please save it for your letters to me.  also - both those envelopes you sent only needed 1 stamp. you should be able to get 3 copy paper pages or one page with 4-5 pictures with just one stamp. right now i'm writing while waiting for Monday Night football to come on. i don't watch much TV nowadays but i do like sports and particularly football. i liked that the saints won the Super Bowl that year but with Atlanta and Miami on my radar i don't have much love for the saints - sorry. you asked about my case - yes we are currently under appeal at the Georgia Supreme Court. i expect there will be a hearing sometime in the winter with a decision, G-d willing in our favor, by mid-April. a little about me - i was born in mexico city, and raised in puerto rico until i was 13. then i was sent to highschool in israel (part of the whole issue here - but another time), came back to the US and went to georgia tech graduating aerospace engineering. went to work in fort worth, texas on the f-16 fighter jet and they sent me to israel to work with industry there on the f-16. got married there to an israeli and my three children were born there. i ended up working for general electric in israel and they moved us to atlanta in 2006. the rest, well...i'm now divorced and the kids wont contact me. i'm not sorry about the divorce, but the kids - that's the most difficult thing for me here. i'm jewish and since my arrest have become devoutly religious( orthodox in our terms). i know a lot about my family history and i'm very proud of my roots. my mother was born in Venezuels with my grandfather from Bukhara (in Vzbekistan) and my grandmother from Cyprus (to an Egyptian father and mother from Syrian/Lebanese decent). my father was born in Czecheslovakia in an area that is now in western ukraine. his family had been there many generations coming form germany in the mid-18th century. he and his brother survived aushwitz, the natzi concentration/death camp but most of his family was killed by the nazis. my mothers father was a Cohen and belonged to the lineage of priests that came from Aaron. i feel like we've been sharing a bottle of wine and having a conversation and i've hogged it up. so i know you work - doing what? your kids live with you? your daughter is finishing school - what does she want to do? your eldest a son? what do they do? just talk to me - tell me whats going on. i'm sending back those magazine pages - thank you for sharing them with me but they are your favorites and i would love for them to be back with you. and i know a little what you look like - and you are cute. ok - miami is losing right now so i'm going to concentrate on the game and maybe my energies will help them (''it's only weird if it doesn't work'') mail here is somewhat sketchy - we were lucky i got your letters so quickly - they open all letters so sometimes it might be 7-10 days before i get your letters then if i get it on a thursday (mail here doesn't go out until monday) you probably wont get my letter back until the next thursday, so it could be about two weeks before you hear from me. take care. G-d bless you. hemy  what is MPL?

   that's two letters. i'll publish more later. aren't they interesting? lol

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

so im doing some new things lately. im on a mellon diet. and ive decided among other things that my mother though not much of a mother had a tendency not to do things in the usual way. i had some good cupcakes today. thats about it.

Monday, November 16, 2015

what to call it ...

so my mom was really crappie. mostly crappie. lol. i couldnt relay everything to you, but i can say a few things. one she was the one who made me go to that aweful place religiously. it was aweful, the people were aweful. for years i had to endure that. i didnt have to go. years later..i have a new boyfriend she sais sure you can go and spend the night there, wound up pregnant and the babys father was my cousin. lol. im getting that annuled.  at that meantime i meet someone new and give them my number, they call but i never get their message. someone never gave me their message. on top of that leaves me without a car no education and no one to talk to about abortion options, and im left to deal with a sex offender to pay for her funeral. lol, what more could i relay. so lately ive adopted a new family. im doing well, getting an education and a new boyfriend. was it really that difficult.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

someones having a birthday today and we all get to eat cake. i made them a card with a birthday cake eater monster on it.


levi moses

                                           i come from the tribe of Levi and from Moses,
                                          Aaron, and Simon, through my mother's mother.

my grandfather

                                                                    my grandfather
heres my family.

heres a picture of my grandmother.

Monday, October 12, 2015

she moved through the jungle. it didn't make a sound. what all was encircling her around her? blue, red, lavender, green, white, and black. like the colors in a closet. she picked up a wig on the ground and put it on. and she found a box with tools in it. she began to build. she built all day and into the evening. she built, a fortress in this forest, and the moon glowed. it glowed like it had never glowed before. it was almost like it would never turn off. she reached up into a branch and turned the light off. the moon went out and a cloud floated over it. then she slept, under the canopy of stars and jungle branches. in the morning when it was light she made her way to the water near by. she drank. the water was like crystal. and she could hear the sound of the water echo across the bay. as it echoed the sounds of the jungle reverberated and got louder as it passed along. everything was alive with sound. the wind through the trees, the echo of the birds, the cackling of the jungle creatures from above the jungle canopy. she decided she would stay for a while in this jungle. so she closed the door, and sat down and enjoyed listening to the sounds of the jungle and the vision of the morning with the canopy of variated life.
i just love this picture. 

Saturday, October 10, 2015

itunes messed up my goddam music selections

i had pizza for breakfast. and my internet hours are limited. id like some more pizza and some more hours on the internet. i did get dressed for the day. maybe ill type something again later or tomorrow.

Friday, February 13, 2015

fluoride causes digestive illness...

fluoride in my drinking water, drinks, and food destroyed my digestive system. my body is not producing enzymes and i have been unable to eat solid foods like most people because of it. it's been bad for the past ten years and got worse since highschool.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

not been doing much today. i'm broadcasting. i wrote a couple of letters and studied some physiology. thats about it. i want to study brain chemistry. i need to find a book on it. it may be listed under neurology, idk. i think the more books i can find on it the better, but really i only need one.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015


i've been asleep, for two decades, and i've just been waking up.
dreamt about an alien creature and about my school. i really wanted to finish my dream.